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Birding with Mike: Mount Auburn - a Birder's Paradise!


Come Join our group!! Thursday Nov 12th and 19th at Mount Auburn Cemetery, Cambridge MA from 10AM - 12:00. For more contact

I've said this before and will say it again, Mount Auburn Cemetery is a birder's paradise and never disappoints. We had a hugely successful outing this week, spotting a dozen or so bird species and the weather was absolutely perfect!! The kids were so excited to these hawks! And there were plenty of other surprises too!! Here's what we found:

Herring Gulls, Blue Jays, American Robins, Black-capped Chickadees (lots of these), a red-breasted Nuthatch (a nice surprise), Red-tailed Hawks (saw many hawks in trees and soaring high above us), Northern Cardinals (males & females), Goldfinches, Golden-crowned Kinglets (This tiny little bird was one of our favorites), Dark-eyed Juncos, Mourning Doves, and, what we first thought was another Red-tail, turned out to be a Broad-winged Hawk. We spotted that one in one of the oldest parts of the cemetery known as the "Dell". Can't wait to go back next Thursday morning!!!

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