561 Windsor Street, Suite B402, Somerville MA 02143
Parts and crafts is a 501(c)3 Educational Nonprofit in Somerville MA. All our programming is for kids aged 7-13 from anywhere in the Boston metro area. Our focus is on creating, making, inventing, building, questioning, discovering, and being excellent to each other, ourselves, and the planet. All of our activities are opt-in and child-directed, with the exception of cleanup time. Our day programs are 9-3 and afterschool is 3-5:30. If you have questions please contact us via email: contact@partsandcrafts.org
Regular Programs will NOT be running on.....
2024 2025
10/14 (Indigenous Peoples' Day). 1/20 (MLK Day)
11/5 (Election Day) 2/17-21 (Feb Break - Register Now!)
11/11 (Veterans Day) 4/18-25 (Good Friday & April Break - Register Now!)
11/27-29 (Thanksgiving) 5/26 (Memorial Day).
12/20-1/3 (Winter Break) 6/16-17 (Unless there are make up Snow Days)